UV Light Glue

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Lined Circle

UV glue can be quickly cured with a UV light to form a hard and durable bond.

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What Are The Best Fields of Application for Ultraviolet Light Curing Adhesive

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Suitable for securing knobs and handles. It is also water-resistant, so you can even use it on shower doors.

Handles and Doors

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You can use UV glue for quick repairs around the house, including staircases, windows, and pipes.

Architectural Repairs

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Simply fill the crack or scratch with a UV adhesive and let it cure with the UV lamp.

Floor Covering

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You can control the curing process yourself, so that there is no risk of the objects being bonded slipping.

Glue Glass

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Drill holes in the house can be repaired in various ways, for example, by filling them.

Seal Drill holes

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The ability of UV glue to bond different materials makes it perfect for automotive assembly jobs.

Automotive Parts