Painting Metal

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If you need to paint metal, there are many types to choose from depending on your budget and the type of metal you need to paint.

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Oil-Based Metal Paints are Best for Outdoor Use

An advantage to oil-based paints is that they are easy to clean and are therefore resistant to staining and other marks.

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Water-Based Metal Paints are Best for Indoor Use

Water or latex-based paints are often a preferred type of paint for metal for many people because they are easy to clean.

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Things to Consider When Choosing the Best Metal Paint

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Heat, Moisture, and Other Extreme Conditions Require Durable Paints

The two most common extreme conditions that you should consider when buying your metal paint are those of heat and rust.

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To Spray or Not to Spray, that is the Question

Smaller and more irregularly shaped surfaces like metal chairs or bed frames can be easier to paint with a spray can.

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Achieving the Best Finish

The finish depends on the kind of metal you are painting, the type of paint you use, whether you use a primer or not, and the thickness of the paint.

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Making the Painting Process as Quick and Easy as Possible

While painting can be wonderfully therapeutic, you still want to get the job done as quickly and smoothly as possible.